![]() Tara Melindy's Place(With my own life-size handprints)
Dad 'n me when I was very young: December, 1993
ONE OF MY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS was my own digital camera, and these are some of the first pictures from it. I took the ones of Mom and Dad and made the borders.
July 2004: my summer visit to Nova Scotia![]()
A BEAUTIFUL SUNSET AT PORT GEORGE (centre) and that's me on the shore greeting it. Over on the left, from the top down: me with Dad, Moppy and Poppy at Mavillette Beach; the sand castle Dad helped me make; and me at work on my own painting in Moppy's studio in Middleton. In the righthand column, from the top down: me working on a jigsaw puzzle; all of us in Moppy's trailer at Mavillette Beach; muddy feet (Mom's and mine) from walking on Evangeline Beach at low tide.
SPRINGTIME: 2004![]() EASTER BROUGHT me lots of goodies, spread out here on our kitchen table. And later in the spring, I entered my first school track meet, and did pretty well! That's me on the right with my ribbons, first in the high jump and third in the long jump.
August 2002: vacationing in New Brunswick
AT LOW TIDE, we went to see the Hopewell Rocks, left, and here I am almost under some of them. We also went to Parlee Beach, and there I am playing in the sand. Those are Dad's toes!
MOM, DAD AND I stayed in a fancy motel in Moncton, Moppy and Poppy also stayed at our motel for a couple of days. Above, left, I visit them in their room and find their bed really comfy. Right, my room was a neat Jungle Room, and included this monkey doll.
June 2001: mom and I holiday in Nova Scotia
Me 'n mom had fun at Mavillette Beach, playing in the ocean, putting our names in the sand
There's me playing the piano at great-aunt Mary's in Port Williams, and there's me in Moppy's studio
Autumn 2000: visitors from Atlantic Canada
Just in time for my seventh birthday, Moppy and Poppy came to visit us from Nova Scotia in their brand-new mini-van.. They brought me presents, one of which I'm unwrapping in our kitchen. It was an electronic robot dog called Poo-Chi. Christmastime 1999![]() ![]() ![]() A big dolly was a gift from Santa, left; there's me in the red dress at my school's Christmas concert, centre; and on Christmas Eve, right, I helped Mom make sugar cookies
My excellent summer vacation in the Maritimes: 1999
Here I am at the lighthouse, going into Nova Scotia from New Brunswick
With Moppy, left, at her cottage on the Bay of Fundy. And with Poppy roasting marshmallows on a beach fire
Left, curling up in Moppy's revolving chair; right, playing on a sandy Prince Edward Island beach
Ballet School![]()
In May, 1999, I took part in a recital at my ballet school.
Christmas 1998![]() ![]()
My arm got broken and had a cast, left, but I still had fun at Christmas.
My first day of school: kindergarten, autumn 1998All ready to leave for school ![]()
Here I am in the school bus ![]() And here I am in the classroom ![]() Here I am with Nanny (great-grandmother Doherty)
_________________My Art Gallery__________________
ON THE LEFT, my 2003 cartoon-style self-portrait, on the right, my 1998 self-portrait
AND HERE ARE some of my 1999 drawings, left, and my 2000 Easter card Back to home page | Visit Margaret's Place | Visit Madeline's Place Updated Jan. 23, 2005